Marcio Weiss

samedi 17 avril 2010

Fashion to eat: pieces of clothing in chocolate

Fashion Show inspired by the Salon du Chocolat

In order to celebrate Easter, an innovative fashion show with clothes and accessories made of chocolate took place in Brazil on March 20th, 26th and April 1st for an audience of more than three thousand people. On the runway, a collection of 14 looks created by Marcio Weiss, requested by SENAC (the National Service of Commercial Learning), was inspired by the Salon du Chocolat in Paris.

The collection features male, female and children pieces of clothing in looks with strong visual appeal, incorporating all references of the current fashion, mainly shapes and modeling. The pieces of clothing pointed out the volumes and superposition and, because of being adaptable, allowed the assembly of more than 50 options of looks. The expected bride ended the show wearing a wedding dress and accessories covered by more than 10 kilograms of chocolate.

The producer of the fashion show explains that the collection was built through several stages: “First I carried out a research in Sao Paulo and abroad. Then we began a study concerning the reaction of the chocolate and the forms of working with it in high temperature, in outdoor environments and the heat of the human body as well. The next step was consisted of drawing the models and put the work into practice. According to Weiss, the result was amazing: "We managed to create pieces of clothing with strong visual appeal, daring, and the best of all, possible of eating”. The fashion show was broadly spread in over 200 Brazilian fashion sites, in 12 magazines and in 14 of the most important programs of the Brazilian television.


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